Year 6 Transition Process

Year 6 Transition Process

Transition Process:

We understand the challenges that the transition from primary to secondary school can bring and believe that a strong start to secondary school is essential for any child.

Due to its popularity, the academy has approximately 25 feeder schools in any one year group, however, no matter where your son / daughter joins us from, you can rest assured that we will do our best to fully support their move to Bluecoat Beechdale Academy. As part of this, our transition process will typically include:

1) Primary School Visits are an essential part of our transition process. Every student is visited at their own school by a member of Bluecoat Beechdale staff. This gives the opportunity for students to ask questions and discuss any concerns before their transition days and for staff to meet with their primary teachers.

2) Meet the Senior Leadership Evening. This evening will include a presentation from our Principal, Mrs Frearson, an Introduction to our Academy uniform, a presentation from our Teaching & Learning Lead, Miss Balchin around your child’s new journey to secondary school including our lesson structure and our curriculum and a chance to meet the Senior Leadership Team to ask any questions and support your child ready for September.

3) A Welcome Meeting for all parents. We will invite all parents to join us to learn more about how best to support your child’s transition to Bluecoat Beechdale Academy, find out more information about uniform and our high expectations of parents and children.

4) Two days of transition in  July. Students will come to visit the academy for two days during the summer term in order to begin to familiarise themselves with the site, key staff and those students in their tutor group.

5) An extended opening to the year. Our Year 7 students begin the year before the rest of the school. This allows students to familiarise themselves with the building and their timetable in a quieter environment with fewer children on site so that they feel confident about their transition to secondary school.

6) Two weeks after the start of the academic year, all parents are invited to our Welcome Evening. This provides parents with the opportunity to meet the Senior Leadership Team and find out more about supporting your child through secondary school.

Further transition support:

All students will be supported by a non-teaching head of year, meaning they are available throughout the day to deal with any situations that may arise, as well as their form tutor and other members of the pastoral team who play an important part in ensuring that all students have a successful transition to Bluecoat Beechdale Academy.

Our Student Ambassadors support the new students on their induction days and again during their first few days at the Academy to ensure that they settle in well to life at Bluecoat Beechdale Academy.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Harvey Rd
NG8 3GP (for Sat Nav purposes please use: NG8 3BB)

Tel: 0115 913 5211

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