Ofsted Inspections

Ofsted Inspections

We are thrilled that, in October 2022, Ofsted recognised the high quality education that we provide at BBA for our students. In particular, Ofsted acknowledged the tremendous progress that has been made at the school since the last inspection in 2017.  It is a great source of pride for everyone connected with Bluecoat Beechdale Academy that we have made huge strides to improve in all key areas and that our academy continues to be ‘Good’. The Ofsted inspection team made the following observations:

“This is a happy, caring school. Pupils feel safe. Staff are proud of their pupils and enjoy working with them. The school rewards pupils for being kind, curious, resilient and positive. That is ‘the BBA way’.”

“Expectations are high. Pupils know where they stand because expectations are very clear. Classrooms and corridors are calm and orderly. Most pupils behave well and want to learn. Bullying is rare and staff deal with it swiftly. If they need it, pupils get effective help to improve their behaviour.”

 “The school wants every pupil to aim high in education and in life. The curriculum aims to bring the richness of the world into the classroom. Teachers support pupils to make ambitious choices for future work and study.”

 “Leaders have brought about rapid improvements to the provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers get the right information to support pupils.”

 “Staff and pupils all contribute to a strong culture of safeguarding. Safeguarding leaders are knowledgeable and skilled. They know pupils and their families very well.”

Ofsted, October 2022

To read our latest report from our visit please click here: Ofsted Report October 2022

Click here to read the OFSTED report February 2017

Please click on the link below to access Parentview


Contact Us

Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Harvey Rd
NG8 3GP (for Sat Nav purposes please use: NG8 3BB)

E-mail: office@bluecoatbeechdale.co.uk
Tel: 0115 913 5211

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