At Bluecoat Beechdale we believe that there should be a strong partnership between the Academy, students and parents / carers in order to ensure that students are happy, supported in their education and fulfil their potential and ambitions.
Wellbeing and online counselling
Kooth is a FREE, anonymous, confidential, safe, online Wellbeing service, offering
counselling, information, and forums for children and young people. Please follow in the instructions as below to access Kooth.
Safer Schools app
The online world can be a bit overwhelming at times but it is important we understand what our children are doing online so we can help make them safer. The Safer Schools England App aims to help with this. We are delighted to invite you to download our new Safer Schools England App, provided as part of our school insurance package with Zurich Municipal.
Please watch the below video on how the app works and can benefit your child.
The Academy Attendance target is 96%. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. As well as the significant loss in learning opportunities which come from low attendance, there is a significant reason to demonstrate high attendance and punctuality, as these personal records are sent to employers, higher education institutions and apprenticeships when references are requested.
We are very proud of the calm and purposeful atmosphere at the Bluecoat Beechdale Academy and rely on the full support of parents / carers to re-enforce the high standards and expectations of student behaviour. We ask that parents support any disciplinary actions that are taken in order to ensure that their child is a successful learner.