BBA Bucks

BBA Bucks

At Bluecoat Beechdale Academy we use BBA bucks as the main way we reward students.

The BBA bucks system involves students being rewards ‘bucks’ as a reward for following the BBA way. BBA bucks can then be placed in the BBA bucks draw which is drawn at the end of term. Students can place their BBA bucks in the prize tubes which correlate to the prize they would like to win. 

This year we are focusing on rewarding students for attendance and punctuality. We know that students who attend school will achieve more highly. In order to help students to understand this and value their education we have introduced a range of rewards linked only to attendance and punctuality. These include a reward trip at the end of the year for all students with 100% attendance, half termly afternoon activities for students with improved attendance and small prizes such as an Easter Egg for students who are here every day for the last two weeks of each half term. We continue to consult students on how they want to be rewarded and what they want to be rewarded for.

Contact Us

Bluecoat Beechdale Academy
Harvey Rd
NG8 3GP (for Sat Nav purposes please use: NG8 3BB)

Tel: 0115 913 5211

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